Lets discover new horizons.

Increased Aircraft Utilisation
Floog is revolutionizing the private jet travel industry with our advanced air-charter marketplace and booking platform. With our intuitive and seamless platform, booking a private jet is as easy as hailing a taxi.
Intelligent Routing Platform, powered by AI
Floog is revolutionizing the private jet travel industry with our advanced air-charter marketplace and booking platform. With our intuitive and seamless platform, booking a private jet is as easy as hailing a taxi.
One Solution for All Missions
Floog is AAM and RAM Fleet-ready. Whatever the mission and needs of the passenger, our intuitive and seamless platform matches and books the right aircraft in seconds.
Elevate Your Operations with Floog
Maximise Aircraft Utilisation
Unlock the full potential of your fleet with Floog. Our platform is designed to significantly increase aircraft utilisation, ensuring that your planes spend more time in the air earning revenue and less time on the ground. Partner with us to transform every available hour into a profitable opportunity.

Revolutionise Your Route Efficiency
Floog's AI-powered intelligent routing platform minimises empty legs and maximises revenue flights. Our sophisticated algorithms assess and optimise flight paths for operational efficiency, reducing fuel costs and maintenance downtime. Experience a new level of operational excellence with Floog, where every flight is a step towards greater profitability.

Immediate Payment Process
Cash flow is crucial, and with Floog, you'll enjoy the benefits of immediate payment. Our streamlined process ensures that funds are transferred promptly post-flight, with no delays or holdbacks. Financial simplicity and reliability are at the core of our partnership promise.

Global Marketing Reach
By joining Floog, you benefit from our multi-million-dollar global marketing campaigns. Your fleet gains exposure to a high-value clientele and a new wider base through our sophisticated advertising programmes spanning multiple channels. With Floog, your aircraft are not just listed—they're showcased to the world.

Shared Commitment to Sustainability
As a Floog partner, you'll share in our strong Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) credentials. Our commitment to sustainability is profound, influencing every decision and process. From optimised flight routes that reduce carbon emissions to initiatives that promote sustainability, partnering with Floog aligns your business with future-forward, eco-conscious practices.

Why Partner with Floog?
Floog is more than a platform; it's a movement towards smarter, more sustainable aviation. Our partners enjoy enhanced fleet utilisation, operational efficiencies, immediate financial returns, and participation in a global sustainability initiative. Join us as we redefine what it means to fly smart, and let's soar to new heights together.