Business. Class.
Get ready for a new way to travel. Launching Summer 2024
Realtime Flight booking on any device, powered by AI
Floog is revolutionising the private jet travel industry with our advanced air-charter marketplace and booking platform. With our intuitive and seamless platform, booking a private jet is as easy as hailing a taxi.
Sustainability at our core
We are not like others. We won't be planting trees to offset CO2. Our AI routing platform removes empty legs and needless fuel burn. Our goal is to avoid millions of tonnes of CO2 from ever being created. A flight with Floog is a meaningful flight.
Efficient. Better. For everyone.
Exceptional Travel Experience
At Floog, we prioritise the traveler’s experience. From the moment you book your aircraft to reaching your destination, we ensure a seamless and exceptional travel experience, tailored to your preferences.